Solar in a box: Seacan project makes solar energy portable for remote industrial sites

NAIT grads bring seacan solar array to Blatchford redevelopment

5 unusual birds to watch for in fall around Edmonton (and how to help them migrate)

Migration season offers rare opportunities for birdwatchers

Construction is underway on NAIT's newest building

Watch the Productivity and Innovation Centre begin to take shape

Massimo Capra visits NAIT as Hokanson Chef in Residence

The chef with the heart of a cook brings authentic Italian to Culinary Arts students

New efforts aim to make trades more diverse and inclusive

‘Next in Trades’ welcomes underrepresented groups to apprenticeship education

NAIT bakers compete in the 2016 Bakery World Cup in Paris

A once-in-a-lifetime culinary event

Why Jerrid Grimm is on a mission to kill the banner ad

And how he plans on using good old-fashioned storytelling to do it

NAIT celebrates 15 years in Cuba

A decade and a half of building a trades school and improving career prospects.

Celebrating women leaders from the NAIT community

How 13 alumni and staff are working to advance health care, industry, science and more

NAIT's new land acknowledgement video highlights culture and inclusion

Culture and diversity highlighted in piece now available for use by students and staff

Revolution Ice Cream aims to "disrupt" the local food industry

Does Edmonton's love of "craft" extend to frozen treats?

NAIT Convocation 2022: Like son like father

How Bill and Taylor Knopp graduated from NAIT together

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